Who Are We

Project: PeaceMakers, Incorporated (PPMI) is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation founded in 1995 to address the under-served population affected by Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence (DV/IPV) and its effects. PPMI provides prevention and intervention support services in English and Spanish through case management; individual counseling; group counseling; domestic violence, parenting and anger management classes, as well as, housing assistance, crisis intervention, and safety planning. Our program further provides information and referrals for job training, and placement.
During our 27-years in existence, the agency has collaborated with Great Beginnings for Black Babies, Jenesse Center, Los Angeles County Department of Social Services, Los Angeles Child Guidance Center, His Sheltering Arms, the Los Angeles County Probation Department, African American Unity Center, City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security, just to name a few. Presently, the agency is contracted with the County of Los Angeles, SPA 6, Department of Public Health-Office of Women Health, and still collaborates with both Los Angeles and Long Beach LGBTQ Centers, Jenesse Center, Los Angeles County Probation Department, United American Indian Involvement, Inc, Positive Results Center and Ruby's House for Sober Living.